Modelathon 2018: Using multi-scale modelling for new treatments of osteoarthritic joints

When: 17/09/2018 - 20/09/2018
Where: Sheffield, U.K.
Registration deadline: 19 August 2018

Register for Modelathon 2018, a one-day symposium followed by a three-day modelling competition on how clinicians, engineers and modellers can help in the study, evaluation and development of new treatments for osteoarthritic joints by using multi-scale modelling methods. The Modelathon is jointly hosted by EPSRC funded MultiSim and OATECH Network+ projects. Modelathon 2018 offers an opportunity to discuss, network and practise multi-scale research modelling skills with support from academics, industry software and modelling experts 

Register at the University of Sheffield's online store by 19 August 2018. Places are limited to 35 places 

Symposium programme
Our symposium on day 1 explores “Can clinicians, engineers and modellers help in the study, evaluation and development of new treatments for osteoarthritic joints by using multi-scale modelling methods?"

Through expert keynotes, a round-table discussion, and three-minute-researcher presentations the event will explore cutting-edge research on how new potential treatments are being tested, evaluated and optimised by using a combination of experimental and multi-scale computational, models and methods. 

Multi-scale Modelling competition 

The competition is based on the concept of a hackathon where different teams work on a challenging problem to ‘hack’ computer code. This event, however, uses ‘modelling’ and ‘simulation’ rather than ‘hacking’.

The multi-scale modelling competition on days 2-4  includes leading companies** such as AnsysDassault Systemes,Synopsys, and Materialise  who will provide hands-on support by sending an expert for the duration of the event to ensure participants utilise their company’s software to its full potential in a competitive environment. The event is powered by Microsoft Azure

This is an ideal opportunity to:  

  • gain practical experience of working with professionals in a multi-scale research modelling team that is likely to include clinicians and modellers;
  • enhance your computer simulation skills by using technical software on challenges based on the subject of multi-scale biomechanics in front of industry and academic experts;
  • have access to state-of-the-art techniques and software (including Abaqus, Ansys, Simpleware, Mimics, Matlab and OpenSim) as your team works through this multi-scale challenge;
  • network and make friends in your research area;
  • win Amazon gift vouchers of £100 as a member of the winning team! 

This year the challenges will be based around producing a subject-specific model of an osteoarthritic joint and to study the effects of potential treatments. The starting point for these challenges is medical images and gait data of a human subject. Participants will gain a deeper insight into building musculoskeletal models, finite element and medical devices models from personalised clinical data.

Event registration
Day 1 Free for all participants. This symposium can be attended as a standalone event. 
Day 2-4 Modelathon competition. The fee for external participants is £180 and covers materials, refreshments, all meals and accommodation on 17, 18, 19 September and half day 20 September 2018.

Take a look at the short video about Modelathon 2017 and find out what our participants thought! 

Further information on the event can be found here.

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