The program for ICCAI promotes a seamless transition between basic science and clinical research, emphasizing trans-disciplinary interaction between physicians, basic scientists, mathematicians, computer scientists, physicists and engineers – all united with a passion of applying complexity science and advanced bedside monitoring to care for the critically ill patients.  Traditional SCAI topics range from bio signal interpretation and advanced multidimensional monitoring of patients to modeling and computational systems biology approaches for modeling diseases and identifying potential therapeutic interventions. Invited speakers will present their cutting edge work. Abstract submissions are peered reviewed and, upon acceptance, presented either in oral or poster sessions.
Important Dates:
April 15 – Abstract submission deadline
May 15 – Abstract acceptance notification
June 15 – Early bird registration ends
July 27-29 – Conference
Invited Speakers
Alberto Porta (short bio), Università di Milano, Computing Cardiac Control Complexity and Cardioventilatory Coupling in Acute Illness
Marino Gatto (short bio), Politecnico di Milano, Modelling the Complexity of Acute Illness Epidemiology
Markus Huber Lang (short bio), Universitätsklinik um Ulm, Complex Crosstalking Complement and Coagulation System after Polytrauma
Adriano Henney (short bio), Avicenna Alliance for Predictive Medicine, Ageing Populations, Complex Diseases and Unmet Medical Need: A Challenge for In Silico Medicine
Jason D Christie (short bio), Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Integrative Genomic, Transcriptomic, and Proteomic Approaches to Complex Acute Lung Injury Syndrome Endotypes
Alberto Zanella (short bio), Policlinico/Università di Milano, Future Prospective in Extracorporeal Organs Support
More information on the conference can be found here