Shaping Europe’s Digital Future – Bulgarian Presidency event on High Performance Computing

When: 18/04/2018 - 18/04/2018
Where: Sofia - Bulgaria
Registration deadline: 9 April 2018

This event aims to raise awareness on the role of High Performance Computing (HPC) in transforming Europe's digital future by providing solutions to a wide range of societal, scientific, and industrial challenges. The European strategy on HPC will be presented and the impact of the EC proposal on EuroHPC Joint Undertaking on the European scientific, economic and societal developments, including digital skills, will be discussed. The event is co-organised by the Bulgarian Presidency and the European Commission.


  • Opening by Bulgarian high-level government representative, together with Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, and Prof. Ivan Dimov, Deputy Minister for Education and Science
  • HPC for extreme scale scientific applications
    The session aims at providing some representative examples of ground-breaking results achieved when using HPC in extreme scale scientific applications.
  • HPC and Future Computing Paradigms - Panel discussion
    The session aims at discussing emerging computing strategies, their possible competition and/or complementarities and their concrete application perspectives and impact on science and economy; draw conclusions on possible future emerging computing infrastructure landscape to build in Europe and beyond.
  • The growing role of HPC in Neuroscience – the Human Brain Project FET Flagship 
    The session aims at showing the coupling of scientific progress in brain research with advances in extreme-scale computing.
  • The Future of Personalised Health and Medicine - Panel discussion
    The session aims at discussing the new concepts and tools needed in medicine to make full use of data generated by patient studies as well as ensuring this data is used in the most beneficial way for the individual patient.
  • Role of HPC in the South and Eastern Europe - Panel discussion
    The aim of the session is to discuss concrete perspectives, challenges and collaborations of HPC development, including skills development, in Eastern and South European countries under EuroHPC, the European strategic initiative on High Performance Computing.
  • Closing Keynote speech by Dr. Thierry Breton, CEO Atos, France
  • Closing remarks by Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society

Please check the detailed agenda to have complete information on the titles of the presentations, the names of the speakers and panellists, as well as the exact timing of the sessions.

Participants and registration

The event will gather more than 250 scientists and industrialists as well as representatives of ministries from the South and Eastern Europe.

Registration is open, free of charge and mandatory. 

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